

The 2023 Pitzer in Costa Rica Summer Health cohort of students

Organized by Pitzer College in collaboration with the Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS), the Costa Rica Summer Health program begins in Claremont during the spring semester where students participate in a half-course seminar introducing them to Costa Rica, 流行病学, 重要的公共卫生概念, 跨文化学习. The program moves to Costa Rica for six weeks in the early summer, 通常从五月下旬到七月初. 通过西班牙语强化课程, 在哥斯达黎加举办的值得信赖的十大棋牌娱乐平台健康和保健的研讨会, 实习, 还有家庭住宿, students explore health care in Central America while furthering their Spanish language skills and gaining an understanding of the life and culture of Costa Rica. 


  • The Costa Rica Summer Health program is open to Pitzer students and students from the Claremont Colleges 
  • 学生必须有2分.平均绩点在0或以上,4分.0规模
  • Completion of the second semester of college-level Spanish or a demonstrated equivalency is required prior to participation in the summer portion of the program. A third or fourth semester is preferred and recommended for students who wish to maximize their learning and internship opportunities on the program.
  • 学生必须完成1/2学分的课程 CGS 101哥斯达黎加的卫生和保健 taught at Pitzer College during the spring semester prior to summer participation


  • Spring Semester Half-Credit 课程: Approximately nine class meetings in Claremont 
  • Summer Program: Six weeks in Costa Rica from late May to early July

课程 & 学分

CGS 101哥斯达黎加的卫生和保健 
*Required pre-requisite course offered on-campus in the Spring
健康社会学 & 哥斯达黎加的医疗保健1.04


Core 课程: 健康社会学 and 哥斯达黎加的医疗保健

This course provides an overview of health and health care in Costa Rica. 实习, 项目教师讲座, 来自机构的介绍, 网站访问, and engaging assignments allow students to explore the 流行病学 of Costa Rica, the structure and financing of the health care system in Costa Rica, 妇女健康问题, 环境健康. The course includes an overview of Costa Rica’s social and economic 历史 that is essential for understanding the context of health and health care in Costa Rica. For Pitzer students this course will satisfy Pitzer’s 社会责任 Praxis (SRX) requirement.

The highlight of the core course is the intensive internship of 14-16 hours per week for four weeks. The internship provides students with a focused exposure to the roles that particular agencies play in addressing health care issues in Costa Rica. Students gain first-hand experience with the models and assumptions on which an agency operates, 它所使用的特定问题解决策略, 金融方面, intellectual and technological resources it brings to bear on these problems. 过去的学生有: 

  • 协助保健外展工作人员进行家访
  • worked in a nutrition program for malnourished pre-school children
  • conducted field work with Costa Rica’s national institute for health research
  • 在当地诊所工作
  • 支持的社区卫生站
  • 在为残疾儿童服务的组织做志愿者
  • 在一所残疾儿童学校任教


初学者提供强化西班牙语课程, intermediate and advanced levels through the Institute for Central American Development Studies (ICADS). 每名教师最多可接待四名学生, 这门课程采用了高度健谈的教师, interactive curriculum that emphasizes both spoken and written Spanish and is closely connected to the family stay experience, 保健课程, 实习, 以及其他实地活动. Students attend language classes for 12 to 14 hours a week for a total of roughly 60 hours of in-class instruction. Students who are already fluent in Spanish have an independent study in Spanish on a topic of interest (culture, 历史, 文学, 等.).

The Costa Rican family stays provide a window into the culture as the families include students in their daily lives. Often relationships developed with host family members turn into friendships that last long past the end of the program. Family stays are in homes within thirty minutes walking distance of ICADS. Two students are generally assigned to homes close together so that students have someone to walk with to class everyday and can share taxi rides home at night.

Students are encouraged to see their host families as co-educators on the program along with staff and faculty and take advantage of the opportunity host families provide to deepen culture and language learning as well as explore important topics and issues covered in the course.

To deepen students’ understanding of topics covered in the core course, 在圣何塞或附近有几个实地考察, 还有两次重要的考察旅行. 每个夏天的学习旅行都有所不同,但过去的旅行包括:

  • 国家公园之旅
  • 访问尼加拉瓜移民社区 
  • 参观香蕉或菠萝种植园
  • 参观城市 precario (结算) 
  • 周末去云雾森林学习 
  • 去加勒比海岸的更长的学习之旅





护照: 这个项目的每个人都需要护照. 检查过期日期. If you do not have a passport valid for six months after your planned return from study abroad, 那么你需要更新护照.

出发前春季课程及迎新: 在学生申请并被录取之后, they will participate in a 1/2 credit course in the spring semester to prepare for their program in Costa Rica. This course will provide an introduction to important academic concepts and cultural context, 健康和安全信息, 还有国内项目的后勤. 

暑期课程费用: 2024年夏季项目费用为1.2万美元. 2025年夏季项目的费用将很快更新. 费用包括两门课程的学费, 所有项目活动和学习旅行, 食宿全包, 以及往返航班. 金融援助 will be available for Pitzer College students who normally receive financial aid. Students receiving aid should contact the 金融援助 office for details on how their package could be applied to a summer program. 

签证: 通常情况下,你.S passport holders are able to receive their visa when arriving in Costa Rica. 然而,签证程序可以改变. Students are responsible for researching country specific information and the visa process.